







Happy MLK day! It feels good to be celebrating another year in the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Each year that this day arrives we’re filled with the pride and love that Dr. King carried throughout his life. MLK day has become a symbol of not only African American pride, but a national reminder of his iconic dream. But truthfully, this year is a bit different. And though, I won’t take away from the love and hope that this day should be focused on, it’s important to be honest. We’re just a few days away from a historic event that threatens everything that Dr. King stood for. So as you celebrate this day of service and remember the works of Dr. King, remember these quotes and carry them with you into the weeks and years ahead.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

At a time when our country is so divided and we can’t help but think of the dark days that may lie ahead, it’s important now more than ever to practice light and love. Although this is easier said than done, try to keep these words at the top of your mind and heart. 

“The time is always right, to do what is right”

Or in other words, it doesn’t matter what your past may have looked like, you can choose to start right now, to make a change. There’s no time limit on stepping up, making things right, or driving change. You can start today, right this moment.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

If you’ve been paying attention to our current events, you know that there are some people who want to silence our voices, our questions, our opinions. We can’t let that happen. Even when–or especially when– it comes down to those issues that don’t affect us like women’s rights, immigrant rights, and religious preferences. We must continue to speak up on each and every thing that matters. #blacklivesmatter

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

Whether you’re religious, spiritual, or simply believe in the presence of a higher power, the time to practice faith is now. We don’t know what lies ahead, but we know that we’ve overcome and persevered over and over again. Faith will be important as we embark on the journey for justice and equality. Hold it close.

“Life’s most persistent question and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

We’ll close with this one. Regardless of your feelings on this day and moving forward, remember we must always be helping each other. It’s so important for those of us that have…give. Each day, ask yourself “What are you doing for others?” and then go out and get to work.

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