Shows You Can Watch Right Now

Let’s keep it all the way real here, you know since we’re all friends and everything. None of us was really checking for a Roseanne reboot. I mean, for those of us who did tune in for strictly nostalgic purposes, we get it. But from the very first reviews, those of us who might have been watching already knew, what we already knew: that show wasn’t for us. In lieu of recent events, and by that we mean Roseanne being CANCELLED, we wanted to send a friendly reminder of all the show you can watch right now that actually feel good. Tell a friend to tell a friend. And maybe even pass this list along to your coworker who doesn’t know what to do with themselves now that Roseanne is gone!

  1. Black-ish. I really hope you’ve already tuned in for this one but in case you haven’t, now is the perfect time to catch up. This show is our modern day version of the Huxtables (the strictly fictional family, nothing more, nothing less) touching on topics close to our community and our hearts. Not to mention the cast is full of black actors and actresses we love!
  2. Grown-ish. I wasn’t sure what to make of Black-ish spin off featuring their eldest daughter in college but I was pleasantly surprised. It definitely is geared to a younger crowd but it brings along breath of fresh air in television we haven’t had in awhile. I enjoy watching our future generation tackle issues like colorism and politics in a fresh way. Not to mention Yara Shahidi is a shining example of a young black activist using her platform to make things happen!
  3. Atlanta. So this isn’t a show about family really but, it’s still something you can watch and enjoy that presents situations we can relate to. Created by and starring Donald Glover, Atlanta follows the ordinary lives of young black people in ATL. Like the other shows on this list, while it provides a ton of comedic laughter and hysterical moments, it also touches on some deeper topics within the black community as well.
  4. Living Single. Oh you thought I was only going to list current shows? In case you didn’t know, every episode of Living Single is available on Hulu so you can go on and indulge in some good old black, single, and city vibes. And I’m just saying, reboots may be on pause for awhile, but whenever they’re ready to bring this one back, I’ll be ready!

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