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These days it’s hard being a woman – period. We need like-minded women in our corner rooting for us and journeying along with us through this thing called life. Here’s a few reasons why every woman needs a tribe of their own.

For Encouragement and Support

We all have those moments when it seems like life is just throwing blows at us from every angle – just being downright disrespectful. You need someone in your tribe that makes it their mission to pick you back up and speak life into you and your situation. I often find that when I am uplifting my bestie with “You are worthy” or “This too shall pass” after she has shared her frustrations, I am actually encouraging myself at the same time. It’s a win-win.

To Have a Listening Ear

I know some of you have been guilty of calling the man in your life ‘Girl’ when you begin to spill the tea from your day one too many times- and he’s over it. While it is certainly healthy to have flowing open communication with your mate, we need to have our moments for true girl talk. Some opinions and perspectives on certain topics are best received from your lady friends; therefore it is essential to have a few women whom you can trust to offer sound advice within your tribe.

To Inspire One Another

It should go without saying that those in your circle should inspire you to be the best version of yourself. When you see members of your tribe being their go-getter selves, it just makes you want to step your game up and be apart of the winning team. You need those friends that are going to inspire you and that will push you to your full potential.

Now a tribe doesn’t necessarily have to be a whole slew of individuals; your tribe can consist of one or two great friends and that’s OK. But also consider any mentors in your life or even your first lady at church apart of the pack; and your mother is certainly not exempt. Whoever is apart of your tribe you should be able to trust them in your most vulnerable state and dependability should most definitely be reciprocated.

We are indeed our sister’s keeper and together, us girls do run the world!

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