







Breast Cancer Awareness

One in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer through her lifetime. Over 200,000 new cases appear every year. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and each year, we raise awareness for the leading cancer in women. While it’s impossible for us to make medical advances unless we’re working in oncology, raising awareness and funds for the cause is just as important. For those of us looking to raise awareness for all the women and men who have dealt, are dealing, and will deal with breast cancer, check out our 4 ways to support breast cancer awareness.

 Wear Pink

When it comes to raising awareness for causes, many people think that wearing a colored shirt isn’t enough, but sometimes, that’s all you can do! You might not be in the position to donate money or even have the time to participate in a walk. Sometimes, all anyone needs is a little support. We wear pink in October as a sign of solidarity for any woman or man affected by breast cancer. With everything that’s going on in the world, many might forget that October is even Breast Cancer Awareness month. Your pink sweater or shoe laces might be the reminders they need to jump start their own support campaign.

Donate Money

For those who might want a step above wearing pink, you can always open up your wallet or check books! There are hundreds, if not thousands, of breast cancer awareness events happening all over the country throughout the year and most of them are for fundraising purposes. If you’re feeling particularly giving, donate what you can! Don’t donate your entire paycheck if it’s something you can’t afford. Donate what you can!

Participate in a Walk

If you’re willing and able to set some time aside in your schedule, another amazing way to support breast cancer awareness is by donating your time. Many supporters do this in the form of a walk during October. Organizations like The American Cancer Society and Susan G. Komen hold annual walks to help raise money towards preventing and curing breast cancer. The walks/marathons can vary anywhere between 3 – 22 miles a day, and while we might not all be able runners, you can still donate your time! Many of these events are set up with a heavy volunteer base, so if you don’t want to volunteer your legs, volunteer your time!

While October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, we can bring awareness to it year round. If you want to wear pink in March, wear it. If you’d like to donate in July, donate. Breast cancer awareness isn’t limited to October, so whenever you’re feeling particularly giving, act!

In the comments below, let us know what events you attend or participate in for breast cancer awareness!

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