Black Elegance Canvas Print


Timeless beauty, elegant taste, classic style. She's a time-traveling enchantress known to stand out in any crowd. And with each passing moment, her ageless looks are more breathtaking by the moment.

Our premium canvas prints offer enhanced durability and are built to stand the test of time. Thanks to the UV coating, they are scratch-resistant and can be easily cleaned with a simple wipe using a damp cloth. We use archival quality, pigment-based inks to ensure vibrant and long-lasting colors on our artist-grade canvas fabric.

Our canvas prints are shipped rolled in a secure tube, ensuring they reach you in perfect condition.

  • Ready to hang, frame, or stretch.
  • Poly cotton blend canvas, matte finish
  • 1/16" thick
  • One Sided Print
  • UV coating. Scratch-resistant
  • Premium quality artist-grade canvas using archival quality, pigment-based inks
  • Care: Wipe gently with a clean damp cloth
  • Ships rolled in a tube
  • * Frame not included
Sizes: 11x14 inch
Sizes: 11x14 inch