







The perfect gift for new moms, aunties, church mothers,
and every mother figure in your tribe. 

Build Your Own Mother’s Day Box

Mothers deserve more than one day to celebrate their lifetime of love and sacrifice.

Show your mom how much you care and go all out this year. Instead of 1 gift, why not 6? We’ve handpicked the very best accessories for this special edition Mother’s Day Queen Things Brown Sugar Box.


Choose 6 glitz, glam and fashion items for mom for only $55 and save over 60%!

Order a box for your mom and the motherly figures who made you into the person you are today. 

Order the Glitz & Glam Box - Button
Order the Glitz & Glam Box - Bundle Image
Order the Glitz & Glam Box - Bundle Image

Build Your Own Mother’s Day Box

Mothers deserve more than one day to celebrate their lifetime of love and sacrifice.

Show your mom how much you care and go all out this year. Instead of 1 gift, why not 6? We’ve handpicked the very best accessories for this special edition Mother’s Day Queen Things Brown Sugar Box.


Choose 6 glitz, glam and fashion items for mom for only $55 and save over 60%!

Order a box for your mom and the motherly figures who made you into the person you are today. 

Order the Glitz & Glam Box - Button
Order The Relax & Chill Box - Button

Build Your Own Mother’s Day Box

Mamas make the world go round!

They’re the glue that keeps us together and they hold us down like no other. Remind your #1 girl to pamper herself and show her how much you appreciate her with our special edition Mother’s Day Relax & Chill Brown Sugar Box. 


Spoil your mama and choose 5 "me-time" 

items for only $45 and save over 50%! 

Order a box for momma, big momma, 

auntie, sisters and them.

Order The Relax & Chill Box - Button