It’s easy to get easily distracted or stressed out during the holidays. Families are coming together, People are busy buying gifts at the last minute. Lastly, everyone is busy enjoying delicious food to the point they’ll end up in a food coma. That being said, making time to do a little exercising can be a bit tough. Maybe, the idea of working out can feel a bit overwhelming this time of year. However, it doesn’t have to be a drag. Finding time to squeeze in a set of jumping jacks or two (or three!) is very doable, along with any other form of exercise. All you need is a plan! Check out these 4 tips to creating a successful Christmas workout plan:
Stay Hydrated
First and foremost! Be sure to stay hydrated during the holidays. In between Turkey day and Christmas feast, its easy to get caught up in enjoying so much alcohol or sugary drinks. To ensure you stay fit during the holidays, you want to make sure you are drinking water daily, at least 8 glasses a day.
Plan At Least 10-20 Minutes to Exercise
The holidays can be a busy time for all of us. It can be tricky trying to find extra time to squeeze in a mini in-home pilates session, even if you are going on vacation. One great tip is to plan ahead of time. Create a schedule to find time to exercise about 10-20 minutes a day. It is enough workout time to do some cardio (running or walking), weight lifting, and quick resistance training (squats, jumping jacks, or lunges).
Exercise In the Morning
Afraid you just don’t have the time to work out at all while on holiday? If you planned your days off with family get-togethers, working out in the morning is best option for you. Yoga, for example, is a great form of exercise that will not only stretch out your body but it will also help lower your stress. Exercising in the morning not only makes you feel more productive but it will help you feel more energized throughout the day.
Create a Mini Workout Kit
Create a fun, workout kit to take with you on holiday! This tip is especially for those whose workouts require any sort of equipment. Pack a small weight or a jump rope in your suitcase. Include a canteen of water to have on the side as well! Think of it this way! Seeing your mini workout kit will help motivate you to work out even more in case you are feeling “lazy” after eating that big Christmas dinner.
Working out is essential to anyone’s health. Despite the holidays being crazy as they are, carving out time to exercise is completely possible. Hopefully, these tips will help spark some motivation within you!