







image from thecut.com

Hi Ladies! Ever considered going back to basics by doing “The big chop?” Whether you are transitioning from having chemically relaxed hair to natural or just want to start over, having a teeny, weeny afro (TWA) can be both a hassle and a liberating experience in a black woman’s hair journey. At first, you may go through a series of complicated emotions. One day you may love your new look. Other times you are beyond frustrated with it and miss your old length altogether. You may think you may never grow your hair back to the length it once was. Having a TWA isn’t the end of your hair journey. In fact its the complete opposite. Are wondering how to take care of your TWA? Check out these tips for growth after the big chop:

1.) Keep track of what products are working on your hair-

 It’s normal to be overwhelmed by the number of products that can help your TWA grow. However, it’s easy to mess up a good routine because of it. Make a note of your favorite products. Remember the brands and types of products that come through for you.

2.) Create Your Wash Day Regimen- Other than knowing what products work best for you, make sure you have a consistent regimen to take care of your TWA every week. To help you get started, here’s an example of a typical wash day:

  1. Shampoo– Use a moisturizing/cleansing shampoo ever every 1 to 2 weeks. Use a clarifying shampoo once a month to cleanse your scalp from all the product buildup. A clean scalp will help make all the products work their magic on your hair.
  2.  Conditioner-Use a good rinse out conditioner after you shampoo to bring back moisture. This is great to use if you just want to wash your hair between wash days
  3.  Deep Conditioner- This is a necessity for your hair. It helps restore balance, provides extra moisture, and strengthens the hair. Most people deep condition their hair once a month. Others do so ever time they go to shampoo their hair. The choice is yours.
  4. Moisturize Using The L.O.C./L.C.O. Method– There are two main methods to help secure moisture. The first is the liquid, oil, cream (L.O.C.) method. You start with your liquid, such as a leave-in conditioner. Follow up with an oil to seal in the moisture. Then, use a cream to lock the hair cuticle to prevent loss of moisture. Do the liquid, cream, and oil (L.C.O.) method if the L.O.C. trick doesn’t work for you.

3.) Trim Your Ends-

 Though hair grows from the crown, split ends can create more damage by splitting up the hair shaft. Trimming your ends will not only stop this from happening, but it will also help your hairstyle look nice and fuller. 8 to 12 weeks is the standard. Some naturals can go longer than this until their next trim. If you decide to trim the ends yourself, make sure you use hair sheers. Using regular scissors will create more split ends. When in doubt, go see a professional for your trimming needs!

4.) Moisturize your hair with a DIY spritz-

The fun part of going natural is creating your own mixtures that will help your hair grow. Moisture is key to making your hair grow long and fast. On days when your hair is drier than a desert, use a spray bottle full of water for an occasional spritz! Feel free to include your favorite water-based products, like a conditioner. Add your favorite essential oils for fragrance and extra TLC.

5.) Be Patient-

We all know the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Growing your hair back will take time. For some, it’ll take months to see an inch of growth. Others may take at least one to three years. Nonetheless, if you are consistent you are with your regimen and you take care of your hair on a daily basis, you will see significant changes with your hair.

Doing the big chop can be scary and exciting for a woman. You may miss the old length of your hair. However, embracing your TWA is part of the long, fun journey towards healthier hair. We hope these tips will aid you along the way. 

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