Written By: Girl Tyler
Run a warm bath, drop in your favorite essential oils, pour a glass of wine, light some candles, and soak your worries away. -
Gather up your favorite photos and keepsakes from the past then have a hearty dose of nostalgia by scrapbooking. -
Go for a walk and recite positive affirmations. - Declutter and redecorate your space.
Binge your favorite feel-good films and TV shows. -
Write down everything in your life that brings you joy and tuck it away in a safe space to revisit for the next time you’re feeling drained. - Turn on an Izzy & Liv playlist and dance your worries away.
- Unfollow social media accounts that make you feel crappy. (Trust me, this is VERY comforting)
- Call your best girlfriend. Laughter is healing!
- Try a new dessert recipe.
- Give yourself a pedicure.
Meditate aka just breathe and exist. You don’t have to be on all the time. A reset will do the trick in calming your anxiousness.